Wednesday, October 23, 2013

EOC Week 4: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

If one compared the women of today to the women of the 1950's, they'd say they were completely different. In the 1950's, "women were encouraged to stay at home if the family could afford it" ( Their job descriptions as stay-at-home-moms included cooking, cleaning and raising the average 2.3 children. Men on the other hand (their husbands), were the bread-winners. They brought the bacon home, financed all expenses and were the sole (and only) providers.

A Gucci advertisement of a woman's
submission to a man.
To the right, a picture is shown of a woman bowing down to the feet of a faceless man, while he towers over her. This symbolizes that women are meant to worship men and the ground they walk on and to submit under any circumstance.
In today's world, this is seen as demeaning, simply because women have come a far way since the times of the 1950's.

"Today, over 56 % of women are employed outside the home, compared to less than 25 % in 1950." ( Women can be CEO's, Doctors, Lawyers and even Firefighters.This evolution can be greatly credited to World War II. While men were away fighting for the country, women were helping run it. "As in World War I, women played a vital part in this country's success in World War II." ( Women were doing factory work, going into entertainment business, doing voluntary work, joining the Air Force and were even Secret Agents. Women were showing America what they could do and it seemed to be efficient enough until the soldiers came home. Of course, when the men came back home, women went back to their usual duties, but from then on, nothing would be the same, domino-effecting the future for years to come.

Positive and/or Negative:
The picture to the left shows a woman surrounded by men seeming ready to take advantage of her. Given her new power of independence (the new era of independent women), she seems to be slightly resisting the young man hoovering over her, forcing her arms down. This symbolizes the way more women are in today’s times, not wanting to be held down by a man and getting it for themselves, which can be seen as positive. This also shows that even though times have changed, men still dominate and somewhat still have some sort of entitlement.
Overall, women have come a long way and are forces to be reckoned with. They are still stay-at-home moms, cooks, "maids" and so-forth, but in various ways that allow them to be "in charge."


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