Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 1 EOC: Volkswagen Lemon

This ad has revolutionized the advertising industry forever. The Volkswagen Beetle (designed by is a family-friendly, economy car. Simple and cheap, being it's too main characteristics, were thought up by the infamous Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler. In the 1960's, the Volkswagen Lemon ad was the first of it's kind. It was the first to represent a perfect balance of image, copy and simplicity and setting a standard that has inspired many advertisers after it to do better ever since. The article consisted of a little story-telling that explained the vigorous vehicle inspection detail the car has to go through. Sometimes, cars were even rejected for small blemishes. And with that, VW said :
"We pluck the lemons, you get the plums." (Volkswagen)
At first, it seems like VW was bashing their own car, but it was a technique used to further grasp the reader's attention. The reader will later find the reasoning for such important inspections: "This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars (It also means, a used VW depreciates less than any other car)." (
Who wouldn't want more bang for the buck? I would, especially in these times.
"The ad stood the test of time and will be remembered for many generations as a breakthrough in a product to consumer relations."(


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